Account access issue
3 articlesCreating a Lydia account
Lydia is a mobile app offering services aiming to make your social life easier such as the ability to organize money pots on your phone or to send money to friends and family. Step 1: install the Lyd…
Which countries are eligible?
The Lydia app is available in several European countries on app shops such as the Android Play Store and the App Store. Phone numbers. To create an account and access it later, customers must have a…
Access a Lydia account
After several months of inactivity, or after changing devices, Lydia customers have to sign in to access their account again. If customers do not have an account, they can create one within minutes.…
Customize Lydia
Customize Lydia from the “Profile” menu. From the app, the user can customize his Lydia experience. Simply go to the settings in the “Profile” menu available on the top left of the app. The users can…
Limits and fees on Lydia
Lydia is free to use and requires no subscription. However, limits may apply on some operations and transactions. Once these limits are reached, fees may be applied. A full list of features, fees, an…
Adding or deleting a bank card
The customer can register a bank car on Lydia to make payments between friends , or to top up the Lydia wallet when needed. He is invited to add a first card, if he doesn't have one and don't have a…
Delete Lydia account
The customer can close his account at any time through the app or via email. This action is irreversible: the customer will lose access to the applications provided by Lydia Solutions (Lydia and Sume…
Lydia privacy policy
Lydia Solutions privacy policy. Aware of the importance of respecting your privacy and the security of your data, Lydia Solutions hereby reaffirms its commitment to being a trusted player in the proc…
Pricing and limits annex
Pricing and limits annex. Reasonable fees and fair limits for all. All fees and contributions in this Annex are invoiced and debited by Lydia Solutions (as applicable) directly from the Customer’s El…
What is the address of the Lydia IBAN issuing bank?
Some banks will ask for the address of the Lydia IBAN emitting bank. The address is the following: LYDIA SOLUTIONS 14 avenue de l'Opéra 75001 Paris
New phone number or e-mail address
When customers change their telephone number or e-mail address, it is important to add or update the identifiers linked to their account. In addition to their function as login details, these also en…