When customers change their telephone number or e-mail address, it is important to add or update the identifiers linked to their account.

In addition to their function as login details, these also enable them to receive money.

Customers have access to their account

Customers can add their new e-mail address directly from the "Personal information" screen in the application. An e-mail containing a code or link will be sent to verify and validate the addition of the new identifier.

In the event of a change of telephone number, customers must absolutely delete the old identifier linked to their account in order to free it up for the next owner. To do this, they must first add the new number as a favourite from the "Personal information" screen, then go to the old phone number to delete it.

It is possible to register several telephone numbers and e-mail addresses on your account.

Customers do not have access to their account

If the credential in question is the e-mail address, customers can still access their account using their telephone number.

If the credential in question is the telephone number, the customer will have to follow the authentication procedure to connect to their account securely.

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