How to recover a Lydia account without a password?

Users have several ways to recover their account when they have forgotten their password. If the risk level of a user's account is high, i.e. it contains sensitive data, the password is recovered tha…

Unable to connect to the application after receiving the SMS code

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ If the user's account is blocked , please read the "Blocked account" article by clicking here. To access a Lydia account, users must enter their password after validating their telephon…

Unable to connect to the application

To access their Lydia account, users will have to fill their phone number along with their password. If the account is blocked, the user won't be able to log in. In that case, please read this articl…

Wrong Lydia account email address

Wrong email address. If users made an error when entering their email address during signup or no longer have access to this email address, they must correct it as soon as possible. Users logged in t…

Problems recovering a Lydia account

Problems recovering a Lydia account. When users have lost their password or their phone number have changed, they can access their account without a password. In some cases, users are asked to take a…

Text message never received

Verification by text message. For each connection to the application, users will have to confirm the receipt of a text message by entering the code it contains. Several reasons might explain the fact…

Blocked account: here's how to unblock it

There are three reasons why a Lydia account may be blocked: The user has entered the wrong password too many times (most common). Lydia has locked the account for security reasons.. The user has chos…

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