Identity verification
Identity verification. Knowing our users is a legal obligation which helps to ensure general security within the application. All users must therefore provide a certain amount of information and docu…
Accepted proof of identity
To verify an account , users need to provide Lydia with a proof of identity. It must be valid, sufficiently illuminated and free from glare, and all important information must be visible. Types of do…
The video selfie for identity verification
To enable Lydia to verify their identity and gain access to all Lydia's services, users must record a video selfie. This allows to compare user's face with the ID, just as bankers do when they open a…
Accepted proof of residence
To verify their identity , users may need to provide Lydia with a proof of residence. Accepted documents. Here are some examples of documents users can use: Bank statement (no more than 3 months old)…
The "US person" status
A "US Person" can create and use a Lydia and/or Sumeria account. They only need to declare their status at the time of identity verification (or during the completion of the contract if their situati…