Lydia is a French payment service and therefore has a duty to know its customers and verify their identities as soon as possible.

All customers must therefore provide a certain amount of information and documents within 12 months of registering.

Where can customers submit their information in-app?

To complete the identity verification process, customers must go to the "Personal information" screen.

4 steps that take about 3 minutes :
  1. Place of residence

The user must enter his current address, as well as his country of tax domicile.

  1. Video of an identity document 
Why a video? It's the best way to verify the authenticity of a document

The document must be placed within the frame of the viewfinder. Then the user can perform the required movement (up and down).

A confirmation screen allows the user to check that the document is clean, sufficiently readable and that no reflections obscure important information. If this is the case, the user can start again.

Learn more about the main reasons for rejecting a document.

Learn more about the accepted identity documents.

  1. Video selfie

The user must film his face in a short sequence during which he utters numbers displayed on the screen.

This original method is the key to fight identity theft

Learn more about the video selfie.

  1. Electronic signature

This is the final step. Customers must confirm the accuracy of the information provided by signing with a code received via text message.

Verification by Lydia teams

Elements submitted in the application are then analysed and checked by dedicated teams. This step takes 5 to 10 minutes in most cases, but can take up to 24 hours for the most complex cases.

An email is sent to the customers to let them know their account has been validated, or that verification has failed and they must try again.

What to do if customers encounter any issues?

Customers can reach out to customer service to get some assistance.

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