About Lydia money pots
Lydia money pots are accounts associated with an online page where money can be collected via the internet. They are free to create and having the app is not required to contribute to a money pot. Cr…
Customize the money pot online page
From the "Online page settings" screen, in the application, the creator of a money pot can : Add and edit its description;. Add and edit its cover photo;. Choose whether or not to display an IBAN lin…
Report a Money pot
To report a Lydia money pot, anyone can contact Lydia customer service. And in order to help with investigations, share the following information: The first name and the last name of the organizator…
About Amazon gift cards
Amazon gift cards are a great way of making gifts to friends and family, or getting vouchers to spend at one's favourite stores. Purchasing a gift card. Gift cards can be purchased via Lydia money po…