The users can find every transaction made with Lydia from the "History" section.

Finding payment receipts in-app

There are three ways of finding payments you made from the Lydia app.

Via push notifications

App users will receive a push notification right after receiving a payment. This feature can be deactivated from the app settings.

From the transaction history

Payment receipts made with the app are instantly displayed in your transaction history. After opening it, the user can switch from a receipt to another by swiping right or swiping left.

Each receipt contains the following information:

  • the recipient or sender of the payment ;
  • the status of the payment ;
  • the amount of the payment ;
  • the payment method that was used and debited

More actions

From a payment receipt, by clicking on "More actions" the user can:

  1. Obtain more information about the payment by clicking on "Events" or "Details" ;
  2. Transfer the money received by clicking on "Transfer" ;
  3. Request a Lydia or Send a Lydia ;
  4. Get a receipt or a proof of transfer in PDF format ;
  5. Get in touch with the Lydia support team ;
From the payment receipt the user can personalize the title of the transaction, upload an invoice and/or a souvenir picture.

Via email 

For app users

Every time the user make a payment, an email recap is sent. This feature can be disabled from the "Preferences" located into the account settings.

For payments via the online credit card form

If the user makes a payment via external credit card on via CB form, they will receive a receipt by e-mail.

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