⚠️ Warning ⚠️ If the user's account is blocked, please read the "Blocked account" article by clicking here.

To access a Lydia account, users must enter their password after validating their telephone number. Occasionally, one of the following problems may occur:

The user has forgotten the password

The users can recover their account if they can prove their identity. For more information on the password recovery process, click here.

The user wants to create an account (and thinks he does not have one)

It seems that an account is nevertheless associated with the phone number. There are two possibilities:

  1. The user has already created an account since Lydia was created in 2011. The user therefore has a password. In case of forgotten password, the user can just follow the procedure detailed above.
  2. If the user uses a new number, it may be that this number has previously been allocated by the operator to another Lydia user. In this case, the user can contact the Lydia team by sending an email explaining the situation to hello@lydia.me.

The first name displayed is not the user's first name

If the user remembers having entered a wrong first name, he can log in using his password and then change his first name in the profile settings, in the application. Alternatively, the user can contact Lydia's teams by sending an email explaining the situation to hello@lydia.me.

If the user is trying from a new phone number and wishes to connect or register, it may be that this number has previously been allocated by the operator to another Lydia user. In this case, the user can contact the Lydia teams by sending an email explaining the situation to hello@lydia.me.

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