To access his account, the customer uses a pair of identifiers: a telephone number and a password. If the customer forgets the password or change of telephone number, he may have difficulty logging in. In this case, he can follow the unlocking procedure in app.

The process to follow

The customer must first ensure that the Lydia application is up to date (by visiting the App Store or Play Store).

If the customer forgot his password

The customer must open the application and enter his phone number. After verification of the number entered (automatically or using a code/link received by SMS), the customer can click on "A problem? Need help?" and then "I've forgotten my password".

If the customer's telephone number has changed

The customer should open the application and, on the first login screen, press the "Having trouble logging in?" button.

In both situations, the customer just has to follow the instructions on the screens.

When a customer's account is considered to be sensitive, he is required to his face for a few seconds. A video selfie of sorts. This allows Lydia's teams to check that the account holder is the one who requested the recovery. The customer is free to refuse to take the video selfie in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Policy. In this case, he can contact customer service to find an alternative solution.

Once the unblocking procedure has been completed, the customer must wait to receive the email from Lydia and then click on the link contained in this email. He will then be automatically redirected to the application's home screen.

The link received is valid for 24 hours and can only be used from the mobile device used to record the video selfie. After 24 hours, the customer will need to repeat the operation.

Processing times

As each video has to be carefully viewed by a human advisor, processing times can vary from a few minutes to 48 hours.

In the event of a rejection

Sometimes the video is rejected because it is of poor quality or the likeness is not convincing. The reason for this is specified in the email received by the customer. He is then invited to start again from the application.

Difficulties while following the unblocking procedure

Occasionally, the customer may be blocked by the verification system. In such cases, the customer should take care to :

  • Center his face in the capture area, and follow the instructions ;
  • When requested, turn his head in the pointed direction, with a wide movement ;
  • Make sure lighting is adequate ;
  • Being alone on the video, and that no picture of faces is displayed in the background (photograph, painting, screen, etc.)
If the screen is black, the customer has to check that Lydia is authorized to access the camera in the device settings. If the facial camera is damaged, the customer will need to use another device. It is possible to connect to Lydia with another device by inserting a SIM card in it.

If these instructions do not resolve the problem, the customer can contact customer service. To help resolve the problem, the customer is invited to describe the difficulties and include a screenshot.

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