An identity card, sometimes referred to as a national identity card or identification card depending on the country, is an official document that allows a natural person to prove his identity.

To take advantage of all the services offered by Lydia, users must, for legal reasons, prove their identity.

What is a valid National Identity Card?

The period of validity of an identity card in France depends on:

  • The age of the holder;
  • The date of issue;
  • The period of issue.

Users can check the validity of their identity card by clicking here.

How the user can provide the identity card in the application?  

The user must have the identity card to hand and follow the identity verification process. To do so, the user must go to the "Personal information" menu by clicking on the icon at the top left of the main screen and then on "Verify my identity".

When filming their identity document, users must:

  • Make sure they are in a well-lit area;
  • Take the identity card in hand;
  • Make the required movements.

The fingers must not conceal any essential information and the identity card must be legible and in good condition.

It will be necessary to follow the process for both sides of the document (front and back).

The user can reshoot a photo after each video if the information is not legible enough or if the document is truncated.

What to do if the user does not have an identity card?  

If users do not have an identity card, they may :

Driving licenses and social security cards are not accepted.

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