The 3 main entities that issue bank cards (credit/debit) and run their own payment networks are Visa, Mastercard and CB (France's national interbank network).

Most active cards in France are CB cards that are co-badged with Visa or Mastercard. When that is the case, European laws and regulations state that card holders should be able to choose which payment network they use.

Choice and change of payment networks

When adding a bank card, users can set their default payment network for future payments.

The chosen network is then pre-selected for each payment. From the "Cards" screen, users can switch their card to another payment network for their future payments.

There is no 100% guarantee that payments will go through the selected payment network.

Visibility in transaction history

In the transaction history or in transaction receipts, users can see which payment network was used.

Bank card payment form

Users can choose the default payment network to be used by tapping the corresponding icon in the card number field.

If they do not select any particular payment network, then the transaction will go through the default one.

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