Lydia is designed and verified in France according to the highest standards of banking and IT security. Asymmetrical RSA keys, symmetrical 256-bit data encryption, SSL communications, personal data anonymisation...

All of that, because we can never be too careful when it comes to money and personal information.

Your credit cards are secure

The card numbers added in the app are not saved in the app. They are tokenised by the French leader in Internet card payments Payline, and allow Lydia to make debit authorisations when you request one.

Using the app is safe

The user has to enter a personal security code or use biometric authentication (fingerprint or facial recognition) for every payment and sensitive action on the app so that no one can use it in your place.

Several failed attempts will block the account. The user will no longer be able to use the app, he'll have to contact the Lydia support team (

Payments are secure

All transactions are performed using a unique token that only Lydia's system can produce and decipher. The token:

  • Does not contain any banking or personal information
  • Is single-use
  • Can't be forged
  • Has no stand-alone value
  • Has a limited lifespan

Information remains confidential

Personal and banking data are always processed with the utmost care. They are always encrypted, or anonymised if possible. Access to this data is limited to highly trained staff who have been made aware of privacy issues.

When our tech team has to step in to solve complex issues, they only have access to obfuscated information where personal data have been changed.

Users' money is protected and belongs to them

Payments between Lydia users are processed instantly so that the money is immediately available on the receiver's Lydia payment account(s).

Lydia is not authorised to retain or invest the funds available on the users' payment accounts. This is why Lydia opened a secure holding account for all Lydia users at BNP Paribas, pursuant to Article L.522-17 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.

These funds thus benefit from the bank guarantee of €100,000 under Article L.312-4-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.

In practical terms, if Lydia was to be liquidated, its users' funds would be protected by the holding account, which means that they would get all of their money back.

Finally, if BNP Paribas was to be liquidated, the users' funds would be protected by the French deposit insurance and resolution fund (FGDR) in accordance with Article L.312-4-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. These funds would be given back to their respective users, according to the regulations of the FGDR.

There is no money on user's phone

Just like a regular plastic card, the user's phone is only a payment and collection tool: there is no money on it.

So if the user loses his phone, he won't lose a single penny! His Lydia balance remains the same, he only has to log into a new device to use our services again.

Activity is regulated and controlled

Lydia's business is regulated by European banking rules enforced by the French Prudential Control and Resolution Authority.

Leading partners

Lydia works with top-notch, reliable financial experts to offer secure and long-term features.

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