Collecting money online for special occasions has never been easier, more convenient or more economical.
Whether it's for a loved one's birthday, a housewarming party, a going-away party, a group vacation or even a wedding, with a Lydia money pot you have an online page that makes it easy for everyone to participate, while you simply watch the contributions trickle in.
👉 Find out more about how Lydia money pots work
Benefits of the Lydia money pot
- Your money pot is ready in under a minute, so participants can send money extra fast
- The only money pot that accepts contributions via wire transfers, which allows for more participants to send you money
- 4% fee on withdrawals, vs. 6% on average for other online money pot services. And no commission fee whatsoever (meaning no fees on participations nor withdrawals) if you choose to purchase an Amazon gift card.
For instance, for a €200 money pot, you would pay: €8 in fees with Lydia vs. €12 with LePotCommun or Leetchi
- Wire transfer withdrawals are all instant transfers by default, with no extra fee
- Soon: the only money pot to accept Apple Pay