The customer can top up the Lydia wallet to obtain a credit balance, which can be used as a source of money to send a Lydia.

The top-up of the Lydia wallet is recommended only for intensive Lydia users. By doing so via bank transfer, they can avoid the fees for using a bank card (commission applies above 250€ per month).

By Bank transfers

This option is commission-free, regardless of the number and amount of Lydia wallet top-ups.

From a third-party bank application

By entering the IBAN of the Lydia wallet, which is indicated in the top-up procedure, to make a bank transfer like any other transfer.

It is recommended to register the IBAN of the Lydia wallet as a beneficiary to be able to reuse it later more easily.

From the Lydia application (BETA)

The application displays a list of compatible banks, this avoids the need to copy and paste the IBAN and allows to use of the third-party bank application directly.

Instant transfers from most European banks will arrive in a matter of seconds, whereas a "classic" transfer may take several days.

By Bank card or Apple Pay

This method is simple, for those who use Apple Pay or have already registered their card in Lydia, and it's always instantaneous. It is, however, subject to certain limits, and commissions may apply.

See the list of accepted bank cards >

It's not possible to deposit a bank cheque or cash.

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