The "security code" is a 4-digit code set by users each time they log on to the application. It can therefore be changed at each connection.

The security code is different from the log-in password or from the code used to unlock the phone.

Entering three wrong security codes will immediately log the user out of the app. The user will have to log in again.

Changing the code

The 4-digit security code has to be defined at each connection.

In order to change it, users must complete the log-in process successfully.

If users are already logged into the app, they can:

  • Log out 
  • Or go to "security code" section in the "Security" menu.

These two options can be accessed by swiping your finger to the right from the application's main screen.

Forgotten security code?

For instructions on how to change the security code, see the section above.

Securing the account even more

Users can replace the default security code by biometric methods of authentication.

From the "Security" menu in-app, users can activate one of the following methods:  

Fingerprint recognition

This method, offered by the phone manufacturer, lets Lydia verify that the fingerprint of the person using the phone at a given moment is authorized to access the device. 

Facial recognition

This method, offered by the phone manufacturer, lets Lydia verify that the face of the person using the phone at a given moment is authorized to access the device. 

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