Sometimes a user can notice a Lydia debit or withdrawal on your bank account, and you have no trace of it in your Lydia transaction history, or you haven't even installed the Lydia application.

Here are the reasons why a debit entitled "LYDIA*LYDIA SOL" may appear on your bank statement:

Payment made over the Internet

Users may be required to pay for a service managed by Lydia, without knowing it. There are two possible scenarios:

  • On-line payment or payment by a professional. Lydia is a payment software used by many retailers to accept credit card payments. As Lydia manages the "payment" part, it is Lydia that debits the means of payment on behalf of merchants.
  • Participation in an online money pot. If the user participates in a Lydia money pot, using their bank card, Lydia will debit the payment method entered.

A card borrowed by a family member

This is a very common situation: the user's husband/wife or children borrow his or her card to make a purchase on the Internet, or to take part in a fund-raising campaign managed by Lydia (the case mentioned above). In this case, the user has no memory of having registered his card online and asks Lydia to investigate.

A few days later, he finally realizes that the payment was made by his family without his consent.

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